Collection : Rois et Rênes
Publisher : Lavauzelle
127 pages - French
The Rider of Steel
Kevin Staut, modern centaur, is one of the ten best riders in the world…
His adventure, he’s telling us about it in this book. From his childhood to the recognition as the world number one, he brings us back to his memories, his first steps horseback, his doubts, his battles and finally his victories.
He talks to us about his horses, the tenderness of his pony or the laziness of his stallion Kraque Boom and this perpetual quest in the connection between humans and horses.
Kevin Staut unveils here the philosophy of his riding… a valuable lesson intended for the horses’ fans and all the nature lovers.
The mischievous drawings of Jul allow the mythical horses to speak, better half of our Rider of Steel.
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