The Rio Olympic team champion reveals his method in a reference book, which appears in the editions Lavauzelle.
The book
For ten years, Kevin Staut ride at the highest level of his discipline, show jumping.
Eager to transmit his expertise and to share his experience, he relays in this book for riders in search of progress and victories, the secrets of his success.
Real horseman and obstinate worker, Kevin Staut built a method around the respect of the animal and the search for technical accuracy. With him, the elegance serving performance. Passionate about his sport and attentive to his progress, the champion gives his modern French riding and encourages the readers to think in their way of riding and interact with their horse.
The book is illustrated with technical drawings (Evelyne Plateaux) and by a lot of pictures in training and competitions (Eric Knoll).
The author
Kevin Staut is an international show jumping rider, member of the French team.
Almost 40 years old, he presents once of the most beautiful French awards. He is in particular Olympic team champion in 2016, twice vice world team champion in 2010 and 2014, Europe champion in 2009 and recent winner of the Top 10 Rolex IJRC.
Kevin Staut wrote this book in partnership with Anne-Claire Letki, journalist and rider.
20x25 – 224 pages
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