A maintenance wax 100% natural and vegetal, made in Canada, available for the first time in France!
Handmade product, the wax Beeseal, mix of beeswax and natural and vegetable oil allow a waterproofing and protect the leather. It avoids the formation of mold, nourishes the leather and protects seams and topstitching. It’s also an incredible polish, usable on any surface (wood, plastic…)
Use in small amounts.
The origins of the beeswax Beeseal 100% natural and vegetal:
“The little story of Beeseal begin a few years ago, on a trip, while I sold products for leather in a equestrian fair in California. A few years later, after made research on essential oils and their properties and discussing with my local apiarist, I sat down in my garage and I’ve done some tests. Like all the products I knew contained beef tallow in addition with beeswax, I went looking a vegetable and natural alternative for beef tallow. I already knew the proprieties of coconut oil, so it seemed to me logical to integrate it.
Then, olive oil followed as well as canola. I desired that my product had antifungal and anti-bacterial properties in order to combat molds and verdigris that pose a problem in stables. So, I added tea tree oil. An other element appeared important to keep flies away who bored horses, so I thought, why not include the benefits of lemongrass. My friends in the horse-riding community can use Beeseal on horses and on the leather. So, a safety product for the health, with a lot of vitamin E and excellent essentials oils.”
Mathieu THIBODEAU, Canadian creator and manufacturer of Beeswax Beeseal.
Application guide:
Melt a little bit of wax in the hands, apply with hands or soft cloth.
Favor many applications in thin layer to avoid darken the color of leather and waste the product.
Wipe off the excess with a clean rag or a soft sponge.
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