This clay is made up of high quality green clay and algae with draining and anti-inflammatory properties, taken at different levels of depth, respecting and preserving the seabed of the northwestern tip of Brittany.
Useful before and after exercise, it is especially recommended for draining and treating soft and hard blemishes and tendonitis. It relieves the tendons after exercise.
Manual :
- Use as a paste: ready-to-use poultice to apply to areas to be relieved. Avoid covering. Rinse once dry, can stay on overnight. Avoid applying to wounds.
-Powder use: powder to be diluted in a little water until a smooth paste is obtained, then follow the same instructions as for draining clay paste.
Kevin Staut joined forces with Bénédicte Lucazeau, founder of this concept, to create this unique range under his colors and thus highlight the care techniques that he endorses and that he recommends on a case-by-case basis on horses from high level entrusted to him.
Certified non-doping.
Conditioning :
Powder 2.5 kg
Dough 5 kg
For all requests for additional technical information, please send an email to serviceclient@equialgues.com asking your question and Bénédicte Lucazeau will answer you as soon as possible, please also indicate if you wish to be called back. If necessary, you can also ask us your questions on 0644022952 or 0682378343.
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